Dyslexia Road is excited to present Jillian Jones on Tuesday, March 19th from 7:00-8:00 pm. This is an on-line event. Please register to receive the link to view live, or have access to the recording.
Jillian Jones is the founder of LD Consulting AZ. She lives in North Phoenix with her husband and two neurodiverse children - a gifted daughter and a twice-exceptional son. Her son was diagnosed at age 5 with severe dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, executive functioning deficit, and also highly gifted visual-spatially. He was later identified as having mild Autism/Aspergers with a PDA profile. Her family's journey to find the right school and support services to help him reach his full potential is what lead her to start her consulting practice. Learn more at https://www.ldconsultingaz.com/home.
Topic: Tips and tricks for getting insurance to pay for LD treatments
As parents of dyslexic learners we all know that diagnosis and remediation of LD can be EXPENSIVE. Private evaluations, private tutors, intensive intervention - it's all expensive and (you guessed it) insurance doesn't cover any of it. Or do they? Learning disabilities such as dyslexia are neurological and often genetic, however the treatment is considered educational and therefore not something that insurance would typically cover. But there are some circumstances in which insurance companies will pay for (or at least reimburse a portion of) LD testing and therapies. In this session I will help you get to know the lingo and learn how to work the system to get insurance to pay for LD treatments.