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Terri Clark

Read On Arizona was launched in 2013 from the urgent, fervent belief that Arizona had to do more to help our young children develop the literacy skills they need to be proficient readers and successful in school. And that working together is the way to do it. Their founding partners understood from the beginning that progress is made incrementally, with no quick fixes or magical solutions. Ten years later, their collaborative efforts have transformed the literacy landscape in Arizona.  Visit Read On Arizona for more information about their vision, approach and success.  

As Arizona Literacy Director, Ms. Clark leads the state’s early literacy initiative, Read On Arizona. Clark guides Read On Arizona’s strategic, comprehensive approach to improving school readiness and third grade reading outcomes and nurtures a strong culture of collaboration to drive alignment of efforts, avoid duplication, and accelerate progress toward shared goals. She provides literacy expertise and technical assistance to partners and builds capacity to scale and sustain what works by developing shared resources through federal, state, and local funding opportunities to advance statewide efforts in early literacy. Clark graduated with honors from Brown University. She holds a M.A. in Reading, Language, and Literacy.

Terri will help us learn more about the state of early literacy in Arizona and Read On Arizona’s vision for improving school readiness and early literacy in our state. Terri will speak from 9:30-10:30 am. RSVP for location details.


October 25

Open Road

February 26

Dr. Lanie Ziegler